Sunday, April 12, 2015


Sorry for the lack of posts! I have been VERY busy! I got the newest GOTY Grace Thomas! So... I have to say that if you are a brand new girl joining into AG world I have to tell you that if you are getting a new doll you should get Grace Thomas! Her hair is easy to take care of and good for beginners to! 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

More tips on how to send your doll to my doll hospital

 Hello! If you are wondering how to send me your doll to my doll hospital here is the information! Before you send your doll(s) they need to be packed in their original box. Your doll should where a dress and have her name put somewhere in the box and should not come with anything extra! I will only allow Ohio, Illinois and New York to ship dolls to my doll hospital. Your doll will arrive brand new and come with a comfy blanket! My address is 5881 Eastham Way, Hudson, Ohio 44236. You can sign who it's for as Healthy doll hospital. It will take about 1 or 2 weeks to get her back. 


                                                                 Available to unhealthy dolls:
                                                Skin cleand $15.00, hair salon $22.00, hearing aid $10.00                              
                                                                       "Get better deal"                                                                  
                                                          Offers: Skin cleaned and hair salon $25.00

Doll hair tips!

Here are some doll hair tips to keep your dolls hair beautiful and looking brand new! These are for straight doll hair only! Tip#1: Use a wire wig hairbrush to brush her hair. Don't use a comb or plastic-bristle brush. Tip#2: Lightly mist your dolls hair with water occasionally while you brush. Be VERY careful not to get any water in her eyes! Tip#3: Hold a small section of hair near the ends. Gently brush out the tangles. Keep brushing small sections, working your way up toward her head, but always brushing down toward the ends. Take time to gently work out each tangle. Be carful not to pull to hard!


Welcome to my newest blog, Healthy dolls, Happy girls! This blog is about taking good care of your doll. I am a VERY big fan of American Girl and love all of the little details they put into their dolls! So if you are one of those big fans and need some help with your AG doll this is the site you should go to! I am also doing a doll hospital to help your doll have a happy life and last a lifetime! If you are planning on sending your doll the price is $25.00. I will only ship back dolls to the following states: Ohio, Illinois and New York U.S.A. I will be posting tips and tricks on how to keep your dolls hair smooth, straight and curly, keeping them clean and safe and reviewing doll care items! If there is a special tip or trick you would want or need I will post it on my blog! Remember to keep your doll as best as she can be!    